Socialtyze drives revenue for leading brands by combining data-driven storytelling with performance marketing. With social media at the tip of our spear, we use our proprietary Qu Technology platform and 14 years of experience to deliver three core services.

Breakthrough ideas

Produce breakthrough ideas and creative design that communicate the core benefits of the brand.

The Right Talent

Align brands with the right talent to capture customer attention and build brand equity.

Targeted Paid Media

Activate intelligent paid social media that delivers highly-effective return on ad spend.



Production of Music & Wellness Platform



Holiday Campaign

Brand Awareness & Giveaway Sign Ups

Immunity Boost Festival

Inspiration for a Better World

Livestreaming Festival


Veggie Grill

Celebrity Partnership

Dave Koz

Wine Access

Celebrity Partnership

Jack in the box

Local Marketing

In-Store Traffic

Dean Karnazes


Influencer Brand Collab

Yellow Tail

Tastes Like Happy

Super Bowl Sweepstakes

Coca Cola


Creative Influencer Strategy


Recipe Content

Raving Fans Program

Redemption Whiskey

Redemption Sessions

Branded Content Series


The Time is Now.
Embrace the Revolution.

Some of Our Clients

What are our clients saying?

“Socialtyze’s campaign was wildly successful and the content was incredible, resulting in one of our most successful ecommerce product launches to date."

Sarah Robinson, Digital Content & Brand Specialist - Village Candle

"Socialtyze is a terrific marketing partner. Their team is smart and the strategy they develop and execute helps fuel topline growth, while also protecting our brand."  

Erik Thompson, VP, Advertising & Public Relations, Mercury Insurance

"The Socialtyze team are experts in matching brands with like-minded celebrities.  There is such a natural tie in with Colbie Caillat and Veggie Grill which made for an excellent interview followed by a highly-entertaining livestream concert.  We are extremely happy with the sponsorship program that Socialtyze created for us!"

T.K. PillanExec. Chairman of Veggie Grill & Partner at PowerPlant Partners
“Socialtyze has become a great partner to us as we work to activate our customer relationships in innovative and unique ways.”

Annie Carlson, Director of Marketing, West, Coca-Cola

"Socialtyze built influencer content that exposed us to the right kind of consumer, with the appropriate brand relevance, capturing the attention of our customers. The team works quickly and efficiently to achieve our goals under our defined budgets."

Rah Mahtani, Manager, Digital Communications - Jack in the Box
"Socialtyze was instrumental in our opening night influencer activation.  Their team identified the right nano and micro influencers for our brand and their staff were extremely detail-oriented and thorough leading up to and at the event."

Anthony Zucconi - Senior Director of Marketing Brooklyn Nets

Located in the epicenter of storytelling

Let's connect

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