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‍Power of Explosive Brand Storytelling‍

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You know how there always seems to be some brands just killing it with their marketing?

Like they've tapped into something special that has people obsessed with their brand? 

Well, there's actually a pretty simple reason behind their success.

They've mastered the art of storytelling.

Think about it - when was the last time you got really hyped about a product just because some ad listed off all its features and specs? 

Probably never, right? 

When Dunkin’ wanted to be on top of their audience’s minds, they didn’t release videos telling all sorts of things they put in their donuts.

Instead, they made Ben Affleck play as a Dunkin employee and crafted multiple funny skits with compelling UGC narratives.

The result? The viewers couldn’t get enough of it.

The brands creating the most buzz aren't just rattling off capabilities. 

They're crafting full narratives that completely suck you in and make you feel something.

The key is to skip the boring "all about us" content and instead focus on telling stories that entertain, inspire, and add value for your audience. 

But your job doesn’t just end with some creative ideas. 

You need to really understand the kinds of content and personalities your particular crowd is super into. 

  • Start by looking at the influencers and creators they follow religiously. 

  • What is it about their vibe and storytelling style that resonates so well? Channel those same vibes into your own brand personality and the stories you tell.

Of course, just having a few good stories isn't enough either. 

You need a consistent, long-term strategy for pumping out fresh, engaging content month after month. 

From my experience, it typically takes 3-6 months of that dedicated effort before you really start gaining traction.

The most successful brands crush it by taking that strategic, sustainable approach to storytelling across all their marketing channels - social media, ads, you name it. 

They team up with awesome creators who can bring their narratives to life in an authentic way that truly connects.

And let me tell you, the payoff is huge when you nail it. It's marketing gold - and very few brands are going after it.

But this prime opportunity for storytelling-led growth isn't going to last forever. 

The brands pushing those boundaries now are quickly separating themselves from the pack. 

If you want a piece of that action, you need to get started ASAP before the window slams shut. 

Want to hear all about it and much more?

I was recently invited to talk about EXPLOSIVE BRAND STORYTELLING on “The Remarkable Podcast” hosted by Eric Eden.

Go check out the full episode and let me know your thoughts in the comments.

If you’d like some help building explosive storytelling for your brand, send me a message, and we’ll set up an exploratory call.  

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