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How The Algorithm Is Eating Your Brand: Why Chasing Programmatic Metrics Undermines Brand Trust

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We live in an era where algorithms are all-encompassing.

And why not?

The technology has allowed brands to track the efficacy of their campaigns based on results, producing more significant ROI.

But here’s the catch: relying on programmatic performance marketing is bad for your brand in the long term.

What's the happy medium, and how do you tap the algo while still growing brand equity?

Is the Algorithm Eating My Brand?

Did you know that 81% of consumers say they need to be able to trust a brand to buy from them? 

And that 71% of consumers claim that if they perceive that a brand is putting profit over people, they'll lose trust in that brand forever.

These statistics paint a clear picture: when it comes to building a brand, trust isn't just a nice-to-have – it's a must-have. 

The Hidden Cost of Algorithmic Dependence

Like every other good thing in the world, all great brands were built over a long period with precise actions aligning with the brand’s larger vision. 

However, when we rely too heavily on algorithms and performance metrics, we lose sight of the bigger picture. Here's what I mean:

1. Loss of brand identity: When all your marketing efforts are driven by algorithms, your brand can lose its unique voice and personality. You blindly chase what the data says, rather than what truly represents your brand.

2. Decreased customer loyalty: Performance marketing is great at driving one-time purchases, but that doesn’t mean it’ll guarantee that the customer will come back again to buy from you; rather, the platforms like Instagram and Facebook (Meta) will drive the traffic to any brand that’s willing to pay more for the ad space. Hence, the process lacks the ability to build the kind of emotional connection that keeps customers coming back.

3. Value transfer to platforms: As we become more dependent on digital platforms for our marketing, we're essentially handing over our customer relationships to these intermediaries. This shifts value away from our brands and towards the platforms themselves.

The Enduring Power of Brand Trust

Now, you might be thinking, "Okay, but aren't those immediate results worth something?" And you're right, they are. 

But here's the crucial point: sustainable business success requires both short-term results and long-term brand building.

Think about the last time you made a purchase decision. Sure, you might have clicked on an ad or responded to a promotional email. But chances are, your choice was also influenced by your overall perception of the brand. 

Do you trust them? 

Do their values align with yours? 

Does the brand make you feel something?

These factors - trust, values, and emotional connection - they're what create lasting brand loyalty. 

And they're built over time through consistent messaging, quality experiences, and yes, human attention.

The Biggest Marketing Success Stories Are Driven By Brand

If you think about the biggest success stories lately, they are not programmatically driven; they are brand-driven.  The success stems from a clear and concise understanding of who they are as a brand.

We find these brand and business success stories across both emerging and established brands that bring their strong sense of self to Social Media and the Creator Economy to drive immense value and market share.

Some samples of these success stories include Duolingo, Prime, Dunkin, Pepsi, Olipop, etc…

See how these brands have crushed it as of late via my two recent blogs - 

How Marketing Can Be Your Difference Maker and Game Changer

How Big Brands Are Winning In Social Media

How Do You Build Your Brand Filter So The Algo Doesn’t Eat You?

So, how do we harness the power of algorithms and data without losing the human touch? 

Build your Brand Fundamentals  

Ideal Customer Avatar - Who are you marketing to? You may have more than one type of customer, so define them well to connect with them. 

Your Why? - What is your purpose beyond the products and services that you sell? How are you tapping a higher moral ground that connects with your customers more intimately?

Archetypes - Defining and knowing your core archetype is critical to catching your customer's attention.  Which one of the archetypes do you lean toward, or are you a combination of 2 or 3?

Tone & Voice - What do you sound like? Are you clever, funny, witty, approachable, or smart--you can’t be all things to all people, so narrow it. Like a good friend, you are developing a personality that has consistency and familiarity.

Look & Feel - Define your colors, font, mood, logo, and imagery so that you show up visually in the same way. 

Final Notes 

The most successful brands of the future will be those that can harness the power of data and algorithms while still maintaining a human touch. 

They'll use technology to enhance their marketing efforts, but they won't let it overshadow the fundamental importance of brand trust and human connection.

In a time where algorithms are becoming increasingly sophisticated, paradoxically, the human element of marketing and storytelling becomes more important than ever. 

By striking the right balance between data-driven tactics and brand-building strategies, we can create marketing that not only performs well in the short term but also builds lasting brand value.

Now, I get it, all this sounds a bit overwhelming. Not a one-person job at all. 

But rest assured, with the right partner to assist you with your marketing ventures, you can strike the right balance between algorithmic marketing, brand consistency, and human touch.

The team of leading creative strategists and talent at Socialtyze has helped over 250 brands over the past 17 years to build substantial brand value without compromising on the perks of performance marketing. 

We have a 5-part strategy to build out your brand fundamentals and a process for creating compelling on-brand stories that allow you to win in social media.

Want to learn more. Book a complimentary exploratory call.

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